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What Is In It For Me?

If you every wonder what is the secret to nailing those marks every time in perfect consistent harmony? Then consider this. Have you ever asked yourself, what is it that you what? What do you want out of this level of effort you are putting into that is taking up a fraction of your life? You must have a reason for getting up everyday and interacting with the world? Why are you alive?...

Now here is the big question. What is in it for me? Why, why why?

What is your purpose for living amongst the human population? If you have never asked yourself this then you better figure it out, because your happiness and sense of fulfillment centers around your internal alignment to this greater cause.

Take a moment to digest that and then ask yourself this. What does your best look like and what is it supposed to feel like? For many of us we never extended ourselves to the edge of our capabilities. If you must wonder than you never been to the edge of self-innovation and looked back before. This is probably why you have moments of frustration with yourself and seem to complain about mundane roadblocks in your life that is really nothing but white noise. You may find yourself complaining about things you know you have the power to change.

A high-performance mindset is all about how you perceive the world around you. It is about knowing where you fit in your own design and shaping your destiny to take on the attributes you need to be successful. Success isn’t about being lucky or trying again and again until you get your lucky break. It is about being in the driver seat and manipulating your environment to do your will exactly as you need it, to be to get to the next place in that road taking you toward what you are passionate about.

All of this starts with your habits. Your tiny processes that are meaningless to everyone. That is why they are YOUR habits. You create them, you grow them, and you also can also destroy them.

Focus on what you can control. Don’t try to change the world in one step. If you ever worked out with me, you might hear me tell you that anytime you find yourself losing control than simply slow things down. This is not the same as stopping. Have you ever wondered what is going on inside you when you chose to flee vs staying and fight during any challenge including when you stop during perceived duress? It is your neurological system taking over because it knows your mind is incapable of driving your body anymore. Your body hijacked your body because you were too scared to make a decision. The truth is it is an instinctual reaction, by default, to deal with the unknown. Most of us chose to back down when it comes to going into unchartered territory than taking the leap of faith.

If you know where you are going than everything in between is within your power to control to get you to the land of milk and honey. So, create those habits for yourself that gets you closer to fulfilling your purpose. You are the master of your own fate and the magician of your own destiny, so get outside your head and believe in yourself.


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