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Diary: Explaining my Training Schedule (January)

If you haven't had a moment to digest the 8.5 month training schedule, I composed, then I just wanted to get into the details on why it was put together in the order you see it. Every month is a progression to set me up for success for the following month. The first thing is that I don’t assume anything and even though I already have been maintaining a steady level of physical fitness I don’t assume that I have from day 1.

January is designed as mental month. The design of January is to warm my mind and body with a focus on building a strong mind in confidence in myself and a strong core setting myself up for February. The intention of the workout routine in January is to focus on flexibility and fluidity in my joints. The main reason I chose to start off on the treadmill in doors is to promote confidence. Remember I don’t assume anything. So, by the end of January my intention is to go into February with a strong mind and body conditioned for Phase 2 (Athletic agility training). I figured I wait until the last week of January to talk about why I chose to progress to this level of training then.

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