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Dairy: Day 9 Review

Ok, so reviewing the month of January I stated that this month’s primary purpose was for mental conditioning with a heavy concentration on strengthening my core. I wanted to take this a step deeper and say that after a week in this month that it’s not enough to just be mentally tough. So I am re-focusing January’s purpose to not only on mental conditioning but to go a step further and say that it is about actively being functional with this information and applying it. It has to be more than just seeing, feeling and knowing this good knowledge. I must make it a mission priority to not only learn it but actively apply it, all the time, in all aspect, every day. I must consume myself with actively applying this information. The second aspect of this is that this is just over whelming to try to save the world. So, I’m refocusing my perspective too. It’s not about finishing the race. It’s not about finishing the event. It’s about finishing the moment. I cannot fight a full battle by myself at once. There is too many moving parts, plans, aspects. What I can do is fight in the moment and narrow my focus on the fight now. Small wins with direction wins the battle because I cannot just focus on the event by itself. Every day I wake up I’m surrounded by moments. I need to narrow my focus to win moment by moment. You can’t eat an entire steak in one sitting at once. You have to cut it, and chew it bite by bite, and realize that you don’t have just steak on your plate, you have other elements that matter too. So January is still primarily for mental conditioning but not just for the event. It’s for conditioning for now. Moment by moment. I learn and train the same way I fight for sustained life.

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