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Diary: Day 14

Returned for round two and complete today's workout. Actually forgot my phone at the house and am just now logging in my progress. I have to admit that my phone was a distraction and I was able to focus more without it for this workout than I have in the past workouts when I had my phone. Something to consider as I progress to learn to diverge from the safety of my phone.

I was reading an article on GQ Magazine online and got mixed emotions about listening to music while working out. I'm not putting it down but in my opinion it really depends on you, as a person, what your goals and purpose is when you step into the gym or out for that run. I always felt that if your mind was right your body will follow your mind but above all your heart drives your system.

Before I started this journey I admit I enjoyed listening to music when ever I entered the gym. To me it was an escape. Music was a way for me to forget about everything that was happening outside the gym and use the emotions to grind those passions into something real. I wasnt training for anything. I was living a life I left was just how I saw fit my lifestyle of work and home. It was my balance. So music became part of that.

But, I also realized music can be a dangerous crutch and can hurt you too. I dont want to drag things out but the long and short of it all is that training required more focus, at least in the begining. It required me to relearn how to engage my mind into action in the gym and because of that music needed to be slowly set asside until I could learn to fold it back in in balance with focus. So, for several weeks I slowly cut music out like coffee out of my regiment. Eventually I found my balance.

How you train is as personal as how you get dressed in the morning. Just because you brush your teeth before you put on deoderant doesnt make you wrong. Anyways, I love music but in training it knows its place, which sometimes means it takes a back seat.

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