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Victorious Warriors Win First

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win. - Sun Tzu

This is still pretty early in my training and I whole heartily believe that you must train your mind to be tough just as relentless as your body. It is not enough to believe in mental toughness and to convince other people that you have this through your understanding of what this means but you must actively train your mind to fully understand this. This is why your mind is like a garden. If you just look at it as a manicured garden then you are a fool. The garden of your mind didn't get that way over night and certainly doesn't stay that way in a perfect sheltered bubble. This is why we have life, uncertainty, confusion, the unknown, and just disruption to take into consideration as variables. Your mind needs to be cultivated and trained just as consistent and regimentidly as you do your body. They say when you skip a day at the gym it feels like you skipped a week and when you skip a week at the gym it feels like you skipped a month and if you skipped a month at the gym you mind as well start over again. Mental Toughness isn't just a state of mind. It is real work you must engage to understand. It is the same as going into the gym to sweat, tear muscle fibers, and cry. I believe a lot of people are cliche with this term and throw it around as if they have it. If you have it then you know because you have been through the crucible several times and back on purpose and keep going back for more.

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