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Diary: AAR Following GORUCK Tough

Ok so first I have to admit that my body isn't what it use to be and I had to load up on meds to get things feeling right again.

Overall, I am happy with my performance in yesterday's event, I critiqued myself the whole day and know I need to make adjustments myself and to my training plan. I realize where I need more work and what aspects of myself I need to overcome. I know my biggest challenge i have is overcoming submerging my head in water. Physically I know as soon as my head goes under water my ear drums are wrecked for the day but mentally I know this is something i should push out and just deal with because right now it's a mental roadblock for me knowing the aftermath of deliberately putting myself in that situation. I know I can do this with myself with other challenges I have with my body but for some reason when it comes to my head, I think knowing that the after effects are real and long lasting puts hesitation in me and I know that delay is enough to poison this progress I'm making. I just have to figure out the best way to train for this while balancing safety. This is still going to be the biggest challenge for me in addition to the issues I have in my back that I cope with in silence.

Everyday is a new day 10 feet at a time.

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