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"I do not fear death.  I fear not to live fully." - Wim Hoff

Ok, today is the start of a new month and the objective of this month is adaptation. I read an interesting article about Neuro-science under the subject of Neuro-Associative Conditioning. The theory is that every human has it within themselves to understand interactions based on associative properties that were learned during development. Have you ever wondered why a baby is so innocent and receptive to everything new? Have you ever wondered why a baby doesn't immediately react to basic elemental triggers of love and hate? Have you ever why a baby doesn't has no fear until it has a reason to have fear? Well its because a baby has no experiences to relate pain and pleasure against.

My point is that if you have fears it is because something in your history has caused you to legitimize those associations and they are so ingrained that they have become instinctual. These could be fears of the unknown, fears of the drowning, fears of physical pain, or any fear you may have including phobias.

I don't want to ramble on but I started to research the development of associations because in proven theory we all have the power within ourselves to develop new Neuro-Associations and divorced preexisting ones. The video of the iceman really just supports how the aspect of cold water adaptation is simply a physical manifestation of a person's ability to re-associate pain with cold to pleasure.

This is just mental food for thought because as I said before, mental toughness isn't just about saying you are tough and physically proving that. It is also a cycle of active listening and understanding your own demons so that you may be able to process them to be at your best performance.

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