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WOD - Breaking Wild Day 2

Ok, so if you are still here with me and decided to feel this through to the end then super bro hugs to you. I present to day two of this segment. Again, I'm only really sharing workout routines I have done while training and still do today. If you think they are too easy then no worries, it's called day 2 for a reason. Stick around until day 30. Watch my video on this tread where I explain some of these routines here. Most of these you can rely on google to YouTube a detailed demo if you are feeling a little more froggie. In case you haven't caught on since the first WOD, every portion that is bulleted means you do them immediately following one another. Watch my video so you arent lost in the sauce. Once you start the WOD, then you need to finish it. If you truly completed the WOD then you have to post some comments on how you feel after its done. I appreciate you. Have fun.

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